Dr. Ruth Frazier


I grew up in Powhatan and actually completed my high school years and matriculated from Huguenot Academy. My education includes a BS in biochemistry from Virginia Tech, grad school in medicinal chemistry at MCV, and I completed my PhD from Rutgers University in New Jersey in environmental analytical chemistry. After working in the pharmaceutical industry for a few years, my husband and I returned to Powhatan to help with the family farm. While in New Jersey both of our children were born. Graham and Clara graduated from BSH and are currently pursuing science PhDs with eventual focus on the environment. I started subbing at BSH in 1999 and became a full employee in 2000. Currently my classes include chemistry, dual enrollment chemistry, conceptual physics, honors physics, and AP environmental science. My husband and I are still fortunate enough to work the small family farm in Powhatan; and to teach at BSH with such awesome and inspiring people.