Mrs. Meredith Perry

The power of education is skipping stones on a placid lake. Aided by knowledge acquisition and the passage of time, education’s dispersion starts localized and then expands to encompass a larger surface area. What begins as impacting an individual psyche can, in turn, create dramatic ripple effects that transform a collective experience. This is my third year at Blessed Sacrament Huguenot (BSH), and I am honored to be here. After 20 years working in the field of education, I believe individuals possess the innate desire to grow professionally and personally. Education provides the confidence needed to strengthen one’s self-efficacy, intellectually and emotionally. On a personal note, Catholicism grounds me and nurtures my mind, body, and spirit. Therefore, it is a gift to have the opportunity to blend my faith and experience in education to support BSH students and faculty to “be who they are meant to be” (BSH Vision Statement) and witness the positive ripple effects that emerge at BSH as we all work authentically together as a team.